Edit Button Functions

Save saves your changes on the current page and proceeds to the next page.

Previous brings you back to the previous page, and does not save the changes made to the current page.

Browse enables you to browse for a graphic on your PC and upload  to your store.

Preview Page Settings will show you a preview of the page layout.

Cancel will bring you back to the beginning of SoftCart Start-Up™ and does not save any changes you have made to your store.

The side navigation bar serves as a guide to show you where you are in the process of building your store. The area being worked on is highlighted red when it is open. In Edit Store, these function as links to different sections of editing your store. In Build Store,  you must follow the sequence that SoftCart Start-Up™ has established for building your store. 

You can also navigate through edited sections of your store by clicking on the section name in the Edited Sections list.